Harken Descender CMC™ | Clutch


Versatile rope travel device. 

The CLUTCH™ CMC™ Harken Industrial™ is distinguished by its unparalleled versatility: efficient hoisting, smooth load movement, controlled descent, easy ascent, reliable locking... 

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Le CLUTCH™ CMC™ Harken Industrial™ se distingue par sa polyvalence hors pair : hissage efficace, déplacement de charges fluide, descente contrôlée, montée aisée, blocage fiable… Offrant une capacité d’ascension inégalée dans sa catégorie, il remplace l’équipement utilisé dans le cadre d’un système classique de montée/descente et excelle en tant que descendeur. Le CLUTCH s’adapte à une incroyable diversité d’applications sur cordes.

Le CLUTCH est le fruit de la collaboration de deux grands noms de la manipulation de cordes sous lourdes charges cumulant 90 ans d’expérience en la matière : CMC, spécialiste du sauvetage et de l’accès sur cordes, et Harken Industrial, un fabricant issu de la navigation à la voile hautes performances.

+ Utilisations

  • Ø cordage maxi (mm) 11 mm

Data sheet

  • Uncompromising efficiency: The CLUTCH has a stainless steel sheave with a ribbed groove and pawl that ensures a secure hold on the rope with audible anti-reverse. Its efficiency is exemplary in both hoisting and ascending applications.
  • As easy to use as it is safe: The CLUTCH is designed for intuitive use and optimal control without compromising performance. Its innovative double-locking flange, independent of the attachment point, prevents accidental opening. Rescuers and rope access professionals can also change ropes without detaching the CLUTCH.
  • Always ready: The CLUTCH combines the advantages of more expensive multipurpose devices with those of less sophisticated descenders. Rescue teams can carry less equipment and still be prepared for the most technical rescues.
  • Perfectly controlled descents: With its patented mechanism and ergonomic handle, the CLUTCH facilitates controlled descents regardless of the loads involved.

Product Details

Product nameHeightWidthØ minimum ropeØ maximum rope lengthWeight
mm mm mm mm kg
CLUTCH™ 204 112 10.5 11 0.84


  • Unparalleled versatility
  • Unequalled climbing capacity